The Dreamer | Teen Ink

The Dreamer

August 3, 2013
By Sara Yaseen SILVER, Oakton, Virginia
Sara Yaseen SILVER, Oakton, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A child born into nobility
Has expectations put on her already
When she grew adolescent
Nature was her fate

Which she loved
The croaking frogs
The whispering wind
Everything pleased her

As well as the rain
She would stare until it stopped
Complications came
Her parents disapproved

Wanted her to be like them
Angrily, the girl cried
Until she couldn’t cry anymore
On that day she left her home

Never to return again
That girl was wise
Fulfilled her dream
Then later died

Nature was her fate alright
Was why she died

The author's comments:
Reality holds us back while dreams are for real. A dream never dies even when there is no hope left, like the little girl in this poem.

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