Nightfall | Teen Ink


June 10, 2013
By gentleheart SILVER, Pinson, Alabama
gentleheart SILVER, Pinson, Alabama
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lately the night falls quickly here lately,
Seem even before the day should end.
I guess it is changing with the times.
We long for the light, a glimmer for hope.
But first we must brave the dark,
With its wolves that chase us,
And ghost that haunt us.
Exploiting our deepest fears.
But it's all in our heads.
Reality is what we make it.
The day is but an illusion of hope.
Perhaps more of a symbol,
of what we hope to see in each other
And the night reminds us who we really are.
In each of us our own dark nature.
But we are able to mask it for the day,
show the world what we want them to see.

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