Trapped | Teen Ink


May 28, 2013
By ShakespeareanAlice GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
ShakespeareanAlice GOLD, Cincinnati, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Someone has to win the Nobel Peace Prize, someone has to be a ballerina, why not us? -Carson Phillips, Struck By Lightning

Sometimes I feel trapped
Trapped in my body
Trapped in this world
Trapped in a life that doesn't fit
Trapped in place with a system that doesn't work

Sometimes I feel trapped with my feelings
Unable to let them free
Sometimes I feel trapped all alone
But my own head won't let me be

Sometimes I want to leave this place
This place where I feel trapped
Sometimes I want to leave it all
And let my life come to a wrap

But every so often
As I sit trapped in my little world
Someone will sneak there way in
Someone who will take me away from my world

Someone who is kind
And someone who is warm
And though I know that my escape is temporary
Somehow it once more makes me calm

And when they are there I am not trapped
And I remember why it is that I have not left
Because I always know that sometime you'll come
And you'll wipe away the tears that I wept.

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