Boston Marathon | Teen Ink

Boston Marathon

May 20, 2013
By wackyworded BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
wackyworded BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What has caused such wreckage?
What must be done
To leave the affected broken and with so much damage

How can one person carry so much baggage?
With that much weight, he is sure to be outrun
What has caused such wreckage?

What must one do to become so savage?
What they did was overdone
To leave the affected broken and with so much damage

How does this person manage?
What has happened cannot be undone
What has caused such wreckage?

Why would they want so many at a disadvantage?
Did they think it would be fun?
To leave the affected broken and with so much damage

What could make this an advantage?
Did they really think this would make them number one?
What has caused such wreckage?
To leave the affected broken and with so much damage

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