Modern Art | Teen Ink

Modern Art

May 18, 2013
By NavyReveille SILVER, Rockwall, Texas
NavyReveille SILVER, Rockwall, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.

John F. Kennedy

A bastardization of the arts, where success is defined by the sell outs topping the pop charts.

Fame and recognition brought to those who escaped the poverty and urban hell.

Music dominated by clever isms condoning drug use and sexual misconduct, is what has become the arts.

The embodiments of rappers as role models and success stories lure young black men into accepting jail.

From the lyrics of Sinatra to the power ballads of Led Zeppelin and the love of Queen.

The message of music has become as meaningful as a spring fling.

Novels of Faulkner, Hemmingway, and Steinbeck, the beginning of a great American literary bliss.

Only to be replaced by bastardized vampires, teen dystopian novels with main characters like Katniss.

Visual art conforms to societal movement and influences, Christ in the Renaissance and the rhythmic movements of modern and ballet to the classics of Mozart.

Have been replaced by twerking and the calling any misplacement of things modern art.

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