Screams Echo | Teen Ink

Screams Echo

May 23, 2013
By BrutalityWriter SILVER, Wheatland, Wyoming
BrutalityWriter SILVER, Wheatland, Wyoming
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm happier when I'm happy. Why not be happy? :)

Have you ever sat in your room wondering who would come save you in time of trouble?
Ever wondered who cares about you?
I sat in my still room in one night pondering this,
I started screaming as I stared into the black abyss,
If I left who would miss me, who would I miss?
Then I heard a faint screaming sound,
What was that, where was it coming from?
Then all I heard was a light hum,
Where were all those that pretended to care,
Why leave me with this burden to bear?
What did I do to deserve this?
What did I do for them to leave me to death’s kiss?
Why do I feel like I am all alone?
Why do I feel that everyone is gone?
My screams echoing through the black night,
Who will come running to save me? Who even cares?
Why in time of need do my friends go running

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