Your Passing | Teen Ink

Your Passing

May 23, 2013
By BrutalityWriter SILVER, Wheatland, Wyoming
BrutalityWriter SILVER, Wheatland, Wyoming
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm happier when I'm happy. Why not be happy? :)

Days have come and gone since I saw you last,
Ten years to come in this sweltering September,
I miss you more than I would miss my own life,
You were closer to me than all the rest,
But I guess I shouldn’t boast,
You always said I had the key to your heart,
You always knew you held mine,
Your memory still tends to haunt my dreary dreams,
Death has torn you away from me,
You wouldn’t leave your grand-daughter by will or by choice,
You left because death ripped you away,
Your passing was like a knife piercing my heart,
My stony heart longs to see your smiling face,
But one day the veil between life and death will be torn,
I will see your shining, smiling face,
Then I will throw myself into your embrace.

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