Days I'm Depressed | Teen Ink

Days I'm Depressed

April 30, 2013
By FromKid2Punk SILVER, Boxford, Massachusetts
FromKid2Punk SILVER, Boxford, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Piglet: &quot;How do you spell love?&quot;<br /> Pooh: &quot;You don&#039;t spell it, you feel it.&quot;

I've been trapped in a room for weeks.

Choking on my own tears.

Let the angels wipe them away.

I think I'm losing my mind.

Happiness is something I could never find.

Tell the devil to stop breathing down my neck.

My eyes are spinning clockwise.

Laying on the floor

cause life's been a bore.

Spending all my time staring at the door

waiting for someone to walk into my life.

My backs against the cold hard wall

that's caving in on my soul.

My ears are ringing from the screams of the demons

from my past.

My future haunts me like cold hearted ghosts

who want to eat my flesh.

I shake like a rattle snake.

I can't stand people who are fake.

They get on my nerves like people who don't care.

The author's comments:
The day I wrote this I was really depressed so I just wrote down every thought in my head.

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