A Need For Dreams | Teen Ink

A Need For Dreams

May 14, 2013
By Destiny963sw SILVER, Avondale, Arizona
Destiny963sw SILVER, Avondale, Arizona
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
-Walt Disney

The chains around my heart slowly clench as I attempt to breathe.

It hurts to watch as my dreams slip out of sight,

But I am not strong enough to turn away.
Just a short time ago I could almost grasp them,

Now I sit defenselessly as my world dies around me.
The grass, no longer green; the sun, no longer warms my frozen soul.
A tremor blazes down my spine.

I can do nothing but sit, hopelessly.

I can no longer smile or scream or swallow for my passion is forever unreachable.
Panic shutters through me!

I cannot let this despair defeat me; I have to fight for what I love.

The desperation engulfs me and I am no longer in control of my movement.

The chain wrenches me back, but I don’t care.

I resist again, running at full speed this time.
The chain digs deeper into my already faltering heart,

But if I lose these dreams, would existence be worth existing?

Instinctively I decide it would not be.
I feel as helpless as a young bird in a hungry cat’s sight,

But I know I am having a toll on the chain.

It creeks and stretches,
My dreams almost seem as if they have crept closer,

Hope flickers for a moment.
I can hear the deep groan of my shackles.
Diving once more, I hear the instinctive crack from within.

This sound not freeing me,

But forever holding me captive.
The light of day fades away,

I hear the last beat of my heart then silence,

Imprisoned forever, never fulfilling my calling.
My last breath passes my lips,

And my soul slips from my body.
I can no longer be afraid, for I am nothing without my dreams.

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