Again and Again | Teen Ink

Again and Again

April 24, 2013
By KayE.K. SILVER, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
KayE.K. SILVER, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without music, life would be a mistake.

I have been told by one little girl
That I was a mistake.

I have been told by that same girl
That I am an American mutt.

Again and again.

“I am prettier than you.” She says to me.

Again and again,
The list continues.

“I am more confident than you because I’m prettier than you.” She tells me once more.

One thing I know for sure is that I am beautiful,
In every way I know.

Yes, some may dislike me so,
But isn’t that part of life?

Who cares how many popular friends you have,
As long as you are you?

What does it matter if some are energetic,
While others may be calm?

Again and again.

“I am better than you all around.” The girl says to me.

Again and again.

Who cares if one is better at something that you are not,
It’s the things that you can do that counts!

“Do not dress like me, it’s an insult.” She tells me.

No human is the same,
Each one is unique.

Nobody tries to be like each other,
For every being expresses their individuality.

Just like a flower.
Each petal a different world.

The author's comments:
Bullying needs to stop.

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