The Depression | Teen Ink

The Depression

April 22, 2013
By KayE.K. SILVER, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
KayE.K. SILVER, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without music, life would be a mistake.

The dark,
Overcomes the light,
The meanness within souls,
Only I have had enough.

Those thoughts,
Those words,
Come shooting at me,
From not too far away.

And I fall to the ground,
Heart still pounding,
My mind is racing,
And I weep with such sorrow.

Such mean and hateful words,
For such a small mouth,
And yet,
They make a huge impact.

The words people say,
Sometimes in an e-mail,
Cannot be taken back,
“I’m sorry,” doesn’t mend the wounds.

The shreds of what,
Is left of the friendship,
Is hanging on by a single thread,
Almost ready to release.

The days that were the good times,
When the friendship was crisp,
Are now just memories,
Ready to be forgotten.

Now the hateful words,
On the digital paper,
Are no more than a soft voice,
Inside my head.

They disappear almost instantly,
Those hateful words,
Because I am stronger,
I know what is said isn’t true.

I don’t stoop to a bully’s level,
I stand up for what I believe in,
I stand up for myself and my pride,
And you will not bring me down again.

The author's comments:
I am being bullied by a friend online and it inspired me to right this because I shouldn't care what they think. A true friend should except who I am. This poem was and example of cyber bullying and tells that you should stick up for yourself in this kind of situation, tell a trusted adult, your school counselor.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 12 2013 at 11:08 am
micshea99 PLATINUM, Matthews, North Carolina
47 articles 0 photos 72 comments
This is beautiful! Stay strong and know that you aren't alone(: