Ode to Squirrels | Teen Ink

Ode to Squirrels

April 14, 2013
By redfox716 BRONZE, El Cajon, California
redfox716 BRONZE, El Cajon, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Running along side the road,
running with passion and intensity,
your eyes mirrors of the little kids you’ve seen chase after you,
the stress you have inflicted on innocent campers,
and the delectable findings occasionally found in the dumpsters.
Such a magnificent creature of habit.
But what is that,
an acorn in the middle of a dangerous rocky terrain?
Such a rare finding cannot go unnoticed.
Like a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs,
You feel out of place.
You need that acorn,
But what are these strange contraptions rolling along this yellow striped road?
Oh well you can think about that later.
Walking with courage and confidence,
tail held high,
You run with glory because that acorn is yours,
just a few more steps…
Two lights in the distance creep closer and closer as in a Jaws movie.
You’ve heard about the deer in the headlights,
you chuckle to yourself quietly,
stupid deer.
Just in time you scurry out of the way.
Your brown luxurious top coat ruffles in the wind.
Your sleek body like a snake with fur,
your tail a perfectly fluffed swiffer duster.
Camouflaging yourself among the swaying trees,
The sun’s rays constantly hitting your back,
this is where you find peace and solitude.
Determination and curiosity are your forte,
when someone gets in the way of what you want,
you never let it stop you.
When others try to make you feel inferior,
you never back down.
The squirrel is something to look up to,
not to look down upon.
What is seen by others as a moronic creature,
is upon further inspection a creature of magnificence.

The author's comments:
I happen to like squirrels...so yeah.

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