Memories | Teen Ink


April 10, 2013
By Anonymous

We had been best friends, but now we don’t talk

Blue skies or gray skies, it didn’t matter, I was always at your house

You feared someone you knew would see us

Although I understand, I wish it wasn’t like that

The trampoline groaned as we tried to jump higher and higher

Smack! The baseball flew across the yard and across the road

Tennis shoes and flip-flops all summer long

I’m sure you wished I wasn’t a girl

Your dog followed us, wagging her tail

Smiling, splashing, and swimming on a sunny day

Flying into the sky on swings and leaping off

Creeping around the starry night, listening to the crickets chirp, scaring each other

We were like brother and sister

We had the best of times

And yet you don’t remember?

The author's comments:
My neighbors and I used to be best friends, and now we don't talk at all. I wish that would change.

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