Somewhere | Teen Ink


March 18, 2013
By Elaine Yates BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Elaine Yates BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

White wheels of a wheelchair whirl west
With a girl sitting and her weak legs hanging,
As she watches the wearied world.
Many things to say, no words are spoken.
Given stares with no explanation.

Somewhere out there,
There is an angel without wings.
Roaming the world of chaos and greed.
Either blind to those who see,
Or luminous to those who search.

Somewhere out there,
A hero with no cape soars.
Strength found in the heart.
Superpowers unknown or ignored
To the world that has fallen apart.

Somewhere out there,
A wise professor waits.
Observing, learning, and teaching,
Great wisdom is gained by those who pause,
While the sprinters just gain yards.

Somewhere out there,
A comedian is at work.
No jokes are made,
Not a single word spoken.
Only laughter and smiles are shared.

Somewhere out there,
A person lives a simple life.
No wants, and no desire for things.
Who is praised by those who love,
Pitied by those who grumble.

There will be unqualified judges.
Ruling out those with few changes in the mind,
But all the critics just haven’t seen their wings.

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