Restless Dreamer | Teen Ink

Restless Dreamer

March 18, 2013
By Johnie4 BRONZE, Sweet Home, Oregon
Johnie4 BRONZE, Sweet Home, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She dreams of devotion
For some kind of affection.
She wishes she could end this fight
or live just one more night.
All the people have gone,
Now she is only one strong.
This war may never end,
There may never be that friend.
Who will hold her in their arms,
While the people ring the alarms.

She dreams restlessly,
But no one else can see.
She screams silently,
But she can never be.
She dies quietly,
She can't get free.

Their hate surrounds her.
It swallows her and drowns her.
It is a constant struggle,
When everyone wants you to trip and stumble.
When they all want your world to crumble.

You have to raise your head,
Let them know that your not dead,
That your not dying
And you will keep trying.

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