The End | Teen Ink

The End

March 10, 2013
By JadoreSamantha BRONZE, Arcadia, California
JadoreSamantha BRONZE, Arcadia, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When we were young we would frolic in fields
Now that we’ve grown a sword you do yield
You blindly wave it without the intention to harm
But somehow I receive a blow to my arm

The laughter and the jokes subside
A part of me dies inside
When you begin to ferociously thrash
Our bond eventually does crash

Unintended snide remarks
Turn into being left in the dark
The pain and the anger eat away
The friendship we once had each day

Now I sit here and I see you laugh
I brace myself for yet another attack
I see you with all of your friends
I remember how we said “to the very end”

Is this the end of the story? The last chapter of our book?
Take one very last look
Remember, when you have no one around
You were the one controlling how this went down

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