WHY?? | Teen Ink


February 28, 2013
By Cameron Fain BRONZE, Saint Stephen, South Carolina
Cameron Fain BRONZE, Saint Stephen, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I know how you feel
day and night
When all we do is
constantly fight
We bicker back and forth
about dense stuff
until one of us says
enough is enough
Nothing we do is working
the stress
which is why our
relationship is a mess
I always wonder why
we can't get along
and if our relationship
will ever be strong
Sometimes I ask myself
why I even try
And if I didn't have your
love would life ever let me by

The author's comments:
This is a poem about my relationship with my mom. As a teen it's hard to get along with her, but I know in the end I love her and she loves me, no matter what.

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