Lost Inside | Teen Ink

Lost Inside

February 11, 2013
By Jessica108 BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
Jessica108 BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every day I ask, why am I still alive? Why am I still here?
The possibilities are endless.
Maybe I’ll help people, take care of them and
mend their broken hearts, spare mine for the darkness….

Or maybe one day, I’ll be a philosopher,
a scientist, I’ll make a change…
But then I think again, and then I look in the mirror…

And I see a monster

with long black hair and a
frown on her face, and I think, no.

That’s not me, I will be static, non-changing
, forever re-arranging, forever dying…forever living.
And that is my punishment for sheer existence.
I have no one left savor the last drop in the water.

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