The Dreaded Day (Valentines Day)! | Teen Ink

The Dreaded Day (Valentines Day)!

February 10, 2013
By MaKaila Kendall BRONZE, Levan, Utah
MaKaila Kendall BRONZE, Levan, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The Dreaded Day (Valentines Day)!
Love, Love everywhere,
Makes you want to pull your hair.
Kissy, kissy here and there,
Down the halls and on the stairs.
Hearts and flowers red, and pink,
Love letters signed in ink.
The dreaded day is near,
I can’t believe it’s almost here.
I hope I am gone on this terrible day,
I just want it to go away.
It’s such a stupid way,
To celebrate a stupid day.
Oh, look at this a card for me,
What is this that I now see?
A valentine’s card that is sweet and kind,
Now I have just changed my mind.
Valentines day isn’t so bad,
Now I like it… just a tad.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem because Valentines is close. I find all the couples at Valentines, unattractive, but I feel that if I recieved a Valentines card I would feel much like the character in my poem.

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