Paddling in the Ocean | Teen Ink

Paddling in the Ocean

January 31, 2013
By magusalex GOLD, Portage, Michigan
magusalex GOLD, Portage, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some may say I'm a dreamer, but I"m not." - Dinner for Schmucks

The water spatters around me on the sides of the blue paddleboard as my body clenches, prepared.
Some, like small outstretching hands, grab my leg, and so comes the feeling of cool saltwater.
The fiberglass paddle stays strong in my hand, looking down I see the waves coming yet again
An endless army, a repeating struggle just ending, yet just beginning.

I see the sun sparkling in the distance, the water enticing me, the top layer beautiful yet violent.
My back aches, cracks, burns and tingles as the skin peels, reptile like. Each deep drag
In the turquoise water toils my arms; the salty paddle slips yet again, lurching me forward, legs giving out.
Release, as balance is lost, tumbling into the sweet, tranquil, timid waters waiting below the surface.

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