Journey to Heartbreak | Teen Ink

Journey to Heartbreak

January 23, 2013
By sarajrich SILVER, Bangkok, Other
sarajrich SILVER, Bangkok, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you face towards the sun, your shadows will always fall behind you.

What is this feeling
That has come over me?
The fluttering in my stomach,
The quickening of my heartbeat,
As if I am being dropped
From the ends of the universe,
Pulled so strongly
To Earth.

What is this feeling
That has come over me?
The warmth of Your skin against mine,
The breath I take when I see You,
As if nothing could be so
As if I am flying
Amongst the shining stars,
Pulled so strongly
To You

What is this feeling
That has come over me?
The disease that plagues my heart,
The tearing of my soul,
As if I have shattered
Into a million pieces,
Pushed so strongly

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