Friend | Teen Ink


January 21, 2013
By shirleykiller PLATINUM, St Clements, Other
shirleykiller PLATINUM, St Clements, Other
43 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out. but to see who cares enough to tear them down."

a person who
stays by you
a shoulder to lean on
a person who's welcoming
and brings a smile to one's face
they're there for the best
and the worst
bring tears of joy
and tears of sorrow
chuck you off your path
and help you back up
we can't live with them
we can't live without them
they surround us
even when we think they're miles away
they're still in our memories
still in our hearts
they make life worth it
when the world is horrible and you're alone
they're still there
they're the
cherry on top
the frosting on the cake
the bacon bits in the salad
they have the power to change a frown into a smile
a tear into a laugh
when it's raining they bring the umbrella
and wait it out with you
what would we do
without people like you

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