Summoning Strength | Teen Ink

Summoning Strength

January 12, 2013
By Aly Bainbridge BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Aly Bainbridge BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Funny how it rained all day
When I seek the shelter of a shadow.
The monstrous clouds beg my retreat
Into the safety of my silent home.
My world is swallowed by a howling wind.

Mother Nature offers escape from responsibility,
But forgetting your duty
Does not eliminate its existence.
To recoil now would be weak.
Defy those doubtful whispers,
Summon the bravest troops,
Ignore the potential failure,
And face the storm.

Funny how it rained all day
Yet I still found the sun.

The author's comments:
The line "Funny how it rained all day" was adopted from the song Remembering Sunday by All Time Low. I was inspired to write this poem when my English teacher encouraged us to begin a poem with a line borrowed from a song as a creative excercise. The line always stuck in my head; this poem is my expression of the weight behind the line.

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