The One | Teen Ink

The One

January 8, 2013
By deDcap SILVER, Valley Mills, Texas
deDcap SILVER, Valley Mills, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is too important to be taken seriously-Oscar Wilde

The more I think
The more I know.
That I never should have let you go.
My heart feels empty
There is a big space
I wish that I could see that beautiful smile
on your face.
I wish I could hold you
and have you under my arm.
When I'm with you my heart is warm.
I let you go
not knowing what you meant
All of my energy was wrongly spent
On those that didn't deserve me
and still I couldn't see
that you're the one
and without you
There is no sun.

The author's comments:
I know she won't see this but I shouldn't have let her go

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