The Oxygen Deprived Mind of a Monkfish | Teen Ink

The Oxygen Deprived Mind of a Monkfish

January 4, 2013
By elfgazelle BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
elfgazelle BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you can wake up in a different place, if you can wake up in a different time, why cant you wake up as a different person?" -Fight Club

A storm from the north
brought more cold and unrest
pushed the father up on a crest
of a 15 foot wave.
He surfed the water, and longed to be
Home at the bottom of the sea
where the other fish live.
With a splash and a plop
he lands on some stones.
As he suffocates

on the pavement, he hates
himself for leaving his home
his kids, his wife,
his friends at the Sand Bar.
A slow and painful crucifixion
on a cross
of some flagstones.
He’d rather die a martyr
than some plain and simple father.
His mind wanders
in delirium.
An oxygen deprived mind
has one of a kind
of wishes and dreams
Never to be.

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