Lost In Flames | Teen Ink

Lost In Flames

December 13, 2012
By Kennetsoftball16 PLATINUM, Fryeburg, Maine
Kennetsoftball16 PLATINUM, Fryeburg, Maine
29 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's a book only you can write it"

When we were young,
Playing outside, Swimming,
And at night how we would pretend to hold the moon in our hands,
Then that day,
That day I could not bare,
That day I lost everything,
Lost to the Flames,
The big, red, orange,
Shrouded by black clouds,
Neighbors astonished,
I remember that day like it was yesterday,
10 firetrucks from 10 different towns,
When I looked at my family,
All I could see was their tears through mine,
I Wish,
I wish that day was a blur,
So many memories lost in the Flames,
Those dark, red orange,
Not even God himself could bring back everything,
Everything that we lost to those,
Dark, red, orange,
You could tell those flames,
They were hungry for more,
Hungry for more of my Families memories,
Telling them to stop,
Not a single word,
They Did not answer,
That day,
Is just a movie in my head,
And Over again,
The Stop and Erase button broken,
Just so many,
60 years of passed on memories in my family,
Eaten by those,
Those Dark, red, Orange,

The author's comments:
This is a true story. I Lost my house to a fire in 2011 and i could not bare to see it go down again and again because Yesterday was the 1 Year anniversary of the day it burnt down.

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This article has 46 comments.

on Dec. 17 2012 at 12:47 pm
dancergurl813, Fryeburg, Maine
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Great job Kylie!!!! I had no idea you were such a good writer!!! 

Shealyn1999 said...
on Dec. 17 2012 at 12:47 pm
Dear Kylie,  I love it!!! Great job, prode of you! I didn't kno you wrote poems, ha, I guess we should learn more about each other. Again great job. Really good! CONGRADUATIONS!  I love your imagery in the peom I could and can picture this in my head, although it isn't a pretty picture, I'm sure your making good of your experience. <3 I love your poem I hope you contiune to write poems, because I would read them multipul times, over, and over again.  Love, Shea <3 

dlaurak10 said...
on Dec. 17 2012 at 12:46 pm
That was REALLY GOOD! CRONGRATS! It had some great wording and personification! (again) CRONGRATS!

Xsyafax said...
on Dec. 17 2012 at 12:46 pm
Gratz on being a internet super star you beat Syndicate  

Janelle123 said...
on Dec. 17 2012 at 12:46 pm
Great job! you did so amazing on this poem. you really put some great imagery.

on Dec. 17 2012 at 12:45 pm
good job  it really explained in the poem  it was nice