Intro. To The Shakespearious | Teen Ink

Intro. To The Shakespearious

December 6, 2012
By Shakespearious BRONZE, Valdosta, Georgia
Shakespearious BRONZE, Valdosta, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm disrespecting William's acknowlegment of his popular works however i'll simply just say i'm alot better at least in my era, know what i'm saying?"

Salutations everybody,my name is "Shakespearious" why I've chosen to be pronounced by this name is to show honor to the best writer that ever lived. However,my actual name is Laquan Lawrence,and when i write something on paper its as dark magic. As the reader is being casted into the spell of my hypnotic power. Forcing them to being dragged into the very essence of my words.I normally, try my best to contain this gift of mine,though these hands of mine lash out uncontrollably whenever they touch a pencil, and that very pencil contacts with paper. You may think I'm insane,however i see that as an insult because I'm coo-coo for the passion of writing understand,so don't disrespect me ( just kidding).I am a very persist person as i NEVER put any less into my work than i ought to, so that's why i put in 115% every time.I'm not blessed with popularity however, i strongly believe that after many read my poets or stories that I'll be attractively famous. What's up everybody! I'm lyrically known as Shakespearious,but you can simply call me Quan.Again I say,nice meeting you.

The author's comments:
I felt like since this was my 1st time being on teen ink and revealing my 1st piece,it was necessary to sort of introduce myself. Besides how will people know who i am if the don't know who Shakespearious really is.

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