Expiration Date | Teen Ink

Expiration Date

October 25, 2012
By enchanted BRONZE, Vallonia, Indiana
enchanted BRONZE, Vallonia, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 7 comments

I don't want to take a chance
because I know it cannot last.
We'll be leaving our small town
all of this will be our past.
We're going our separate ways here
in just a few months time,
is it worth the possibility
of starting a downward climb?
Nothing will last through college
and I don't know if he returns
my feelings that have started
and make my heart just burn.
I could be easily rejected
but if that is not the case,
then we could be starting something
that proceeds at a slow pace.
Neither of us have been together
with anyone for long
so the newness of relationships
could make our bond so strong.
If that did really happen
then we would be too late.
Who wants a girlfriend
with an expiration date?
I'll be heading off to Hanover
and my business/history degree.
He'll be going somewhere else
where his dream of music can be free.
There's no use in even trying.
All of the signs are wrong.
I know I really like him,
it's just not a T Swift song.
Nothing can work for us now
so I'll keep my feelings buried deep.
If only I'd realized sooner
he might have been mine to keep.

The author's comments:
I became friends with a guy this year who I had never really thought much of before. Now I'm interested in him, but I don't want to set myself up for failure. We're both leaving for college next fall and if we were to get together and stay together (which I think we would) then it would only be with the knowledge that we could only be together until college. Let me know what you think... Thanks!

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