The Swing | Teen Ink

The Swing

October 5, 2012
By RichardN BRONZE, NY, New York
RichardN BRONZE, NY, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rays of Sun, golden glitters; ‘Golden’ is Love that
Sprinkles through Nature’s delicate leaves, and enchants those
Around them. A memory.
Spring is an exceptional time for Love.
As in Renoir’s The Swing, the woman – natural,
pure – Contemplates happiness,
While the hopeful man passionately speaks
His cause.
For the moment a gap exist betwixt them.
Vibrating with intense power (emotion), and
Boreal enchantments, emerald and golden jewels crown the gap.
Possibly, the joyous ring of music, and
gossiping voices reverberating from the
party, are the magician’s helpers.

Looking on are shaded spectators:
Luminous, serene, innocent.
One, a chubby gentleman, stares
lovingly at the man’s ambitious pursuits,
Those soft eyes, approvingly. Below him
rests a cupid,
In awe with the being standing atop the
gentle wooden swing. Distinctly
focused eyes radiate Beams of joviality.
A dream, this is, where the swirling colors reveal a
Grandmother’s maiden years.
Entering the misty past, she finds love, happiness,

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