Fallen Angel | Teen Ink

Fallen Angel

July 31, 2012
By CurtisYoung SILVER, Ironwood, Michigan
CurtisYoung SILVER, Ironwood, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can complain that roses have thorns or rejoice that thorns have roses.

It was an angel
that fell from the sky that night.
I hurried to its side to see
if it was alive.
It was the most beautiful man
I have ever seen.
except there was one flaw,
he had blood all over his face and wings.
It surrounded him in the snow beneath
his body like a scarlet river let loose
over the freshly fallen snow.
I got down on my knees
to get a better look.
The wounds were horrible,
huge gashes on his cheeks and wings.
I thought for sure this beautiful creature was dead.
I brushed my fingers along his cheek
and his eyes instantly opened.
In that moment we were looking at each other
eye to eye,
but it was so much more than that.
It seemed as if he was staring
into the depth of my soul.
I was so taken aback by his beauty
that i lost my voice.
I did realize something though
and that was
that as I stroked his cheek
the wounds were closing up.
It was a miracle.
He stood up, as did I.
We were still staring at one another.
He was so close to me that
I could feel the heat
coming off his bare chest.
Just then, he bent down
and touched his lips to mine,
with such a softness and gentleness
that it made me shiver,
but it was enough to wake me up inside.
I kissed him back
and as the kiss got hotter and more intense,
he wrapped his wings around me
along with his big muscular arms
to shield me from the nights cold winds.
as we pulled apart,
and stepped apart from each other
he put his hand over my heart
and said. "You will always be my A-ya."
(A-ya means "me" in Cherokee)
He said it so softly I could barely hear him.
He looked at me
and I could see longing and lust
in those beautiful brown eyes of his.
"I will be back my A-ya."he said,
then flew off back into the darkness
of the sky.
and all I was left with was
the kiss still hot on my lips and
a promise that I hoped one day
would be fulfilled.

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