I Can't Believe What I've Found | Teen Ink

I Can't Believe What I've Found

July 31, 2012
By CurtisYoung SILVER, Ironwood, Michigan
CurtisYoung SILVER, Ironwood, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can complain that roses have thorns or rejoice that thorns have roses.

I was searching for something
but I didn't know where to look,
I searched for so long,
and all my time it took.
What was I looking for,
or what was looking for me?
My eyes I kept open
but I just couldn't see.
It was gnawing at my heart
and ripping through my brain.
I didn't know what was wrong.
I thought I was going insane.
I was tired of looking for something
that I thought was impossible to find.
It was tearing me apart.
I prayed for a sign.
I waited and waited,
but the sign never came.
Finally, one day it happened
My heart completely changed
I found what I was looking for,
But I wasn't looking for this.
Am I sure this is what I was looking for?
Or was it something that I missed?
When I looked into the eyes
of this something I thought was fake
I saw an angel looking back,
and my heart it did take.
This something that I've been looking for
was a true gift from above.
The missing piece I found was you and your love.

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