I Wish for Google Wishes | Teen Ink

I Wish for Google Wishes

May 25, 2012
By Brownenikd BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
Brownenikd BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
And I will go on shining <br /> Shining like brand new<br /> I&#039;ll never look behind me<br /> My troubles will be few<br /> -Supertramp

I wish for google wishes
Because I would wish for summer rights now
So I can lay on the beach with friends
I would wish for fruit at the bottom of yogurt to be already mixed up
I would wish for a crate full of peanut butter and jelly uncrustable’s
I would wish for all “A’s” in my high school career so I could go to Harvard
I would wish for an iPhone 5 so I can ruin everybody’s Christmas gift when they got the iPhone 4s
I would wish for Nicholas Sparks writing talent in writing so I can have Ryan Gosling be in my next movie
I would wish that George Clooney would call me up and ask to do a movie with him and have the leading roll
I would wish for a million dollars so I can buy anything I want
I would wish that I could go on tour with Bruce Springsteen and play on stage with him
I wish for google wishes

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