Why Try? | Teen Ink

Why Try?

May 18, 2012
By H.Kahl GOLD, Orangevale, California
H.Kahl GOLD, Orangevale, California
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, Miss Perfection, slow down. Quit doin' so much, and just be. You'll live longer."-T.N.N (1993-2011).

Effort is a waste of energy
because in this world
predestination occurs with the first look.
You can't judge a book by it's cover,
but it's easier to judge an artist
by the width of her hips, or the color of her skin
than how hard she has worked
just for an opportunity
to try.

The author's comments:
The dance world is so incredibly messed up. Years of training, just thrown out the window because you're too tall, or too short, or too fat, or you aren't white, or all these incredibly stupid excuses that have absolutely nothing to do with technique or artistic ability.

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