Hypocrite | Teen Ink


April 25, 2012
By jlshipleys GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
jlshipleys GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only in the end looking back will we see all.

What’s mine is yours
What’s yours is mine
You share me burden
And I share yours
I’m sick
Tired of all the bulls*******
These lies that we dance in
Day in and day out
I’m sick of it alright?
I can spin words together like gold
But this insanity still gets me down to lows I can’t believe
It’s your entire fault
My fault
Whose fault is it this time?
Roll a die
Flip a coin
I’m done
I tried
And tried
But I just can’t try anymore
I stuck by you as best as I could but I just can’t anymore
If you’re reading these words then take a memo
You tell me to be strong
To cut all ties and then you go back
Right into the same ol’ scheme
You’re a hypocrite
And I’m sick of it
I wanna help you but I can’t if you’re not gonna listen
Tell me no
And I’ll go
Back home where I belong
Let me help you
Like you helped me.

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