what now | Teen Ink

what now

April 21, 2012
By Shwelbie13 BRONZE, Rosville, Michigan
Shwelbie13 BRONZE, Rosville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Dont tell me the skys the limit when theres footprints on the moon

i thought i was finally over you and had moved on....
i had cried for so long over you and had been hurt so bad
then you do this and i can't help but think
i'm falling for you all over again...
yet, i don't know if i can do that again
feel that way again...
you told me you didn't love me but... now you're
changing the story?
you say you weren't thinking
then you take my hand in yours
my heart beats fast and i get to thinking
what might have been
and what never will....

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