Pen to the heart | Teen Ink

Pen to the heart

March 25, 2012
dontreallycareboutmyscreenname BRONZE, Clackamas, Oregon
4 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I'd rather leave you behind than drag you along in my madness."

It's corruption,
seduction of the mind,
weaving it's way into you,
becoming attached and intertwined.
It's an addiction,
the only thing to keep you sane,
the pitter-patter of the ink splatter
quietly calling your name.
You're in a whole different world,
one of paper and ink
a pen to the heart
this consumption starts
and into it's being you sink.

You are anyone you want to be,
you are anyone you like,
you only see what you want to see,
living the unfathomable life.

You give air to the pigments
allow inhalation to the dyes
compose it of solvents
live your own design.

But as you are lost in literacy,
you leave reality behind,
you engulf yourself in what could be,
the dangers of your mind.

This tool in your hand,
this death wish of art,
this beautifully insane masterpiece,
a pen
to the heart.

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