Its That | Teen Ink

Its That

October 29, 2011
By ElizabethKiley PLATINUM, Washington D.C., District Of Columbia
ElizabethKiley PLATINUM, Washington D.C., District Of Columbia
31 articles 11 photos 3 comments

Its that 3 AM 24 hour laundry mat silence
Its that shhhh no ones supposed to know silence
Its that right after another one of those ensembles s silence
Its that right before you send that text, that email, that chat silence
Its that silence you hear late at night staring at the celling so caught up in your covers, pain, and guilt
Its that eye catch across the room, that smile on the street, that smooth wink you toss ever so carelessly
Its that kind of silence
When everything turns to liquid chocolate
Oozing love poems out of places in my mind I was embarrassed to even think about
It’s the kind of silence where you really have to think about what your hearing
Its it the fan or you tears?
The paint pealing or your heart strings tugging?
Its just that kind of silence
That kind of silence where even the plastic stars on the celling glimmer

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