Love. | Teen Ink


August 23, 2011
By jordskee GOLD, Port Washington, New York
jordskee GOLD, Port Washington, New York
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

What is love?
I do not believe that love is something that can be defined,
Or even compared to with other emotions.
But I’ve thought about it before,
And I’ve come to this conclusion.

Love is like being in a foreign country.
One where you don’t know the language,
The culture, or anything about the people or where you are.
But despite how lost you are, you know that deep down, there is no other place in the world that you’d rather be,
Because being adrift in this unknown land, with these unknown people, and their unknown way of life feels completely right.

And even as you stand alone in the busy streets,
You know you are not alone.
And even as you turn to the side and start walking into what looks like the abyss,
You know that it is not the abyss at all, but something much more real.
You know exactly where you are going.

So maybe love can’t be defined the same way the common cold can’t be cured.
Because as the bacteria travels from person to person, it mutates,
Changing it’s form and creating a new code, unique from the human it had once infected.
So there is no antibiotic for the common cold, and there is no definition for love,
Because the feeling of love is different for every person,
For you, me, and anyone who has ever been touched by it’s infectious, and ever changing hand.

The author's comments:
I'd choose a picture for this piece, but then again, if love is something that can't even be defined, then how could it ever be something one could capture on camera, or draw on paper?

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