Forsaken Nature | Teen Ink

Forsaken Nature

August 28, 2011
By Vinny_K SILVER, Eastlake, Ohio
Vinny_K SILVER, Eastlake, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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So many are superficial as to make it a religion. So little are not as to make it heresy.

The sweet flavours of a summer’s morning
Sift lazily through the forests of oak,
Whilst teasing scents of maple tinge the air.
Glorious is the season of sunshine.

Walking among the beflowered meadows
The human fools delight in the beauty,
A novel beauty that woefully shrinks
In the face of invasive human need.

Some blighted human fools are fools no more,
Having been given nature’s own wisdom.
They see the folly of man and implore
For an end to man’s encroaching crusade.

The enlightened fools are paid little heed
As the race of man does its evil deed.

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