Marsha's Palace | Teen Ink

Marsha's Palace

August 15, 2011
By jessb BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
jessb BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
1 article 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Snoopy: Dear, I miss you more each day. I love you more than words can say.<br /> Charlie Brown: That&#039;s nice, but who are you writing to?<br /> Snoopy: I can always fill that in later.

The revolving door
clipped your heel and
you stumbled.
&lt;i&gt;Where have you been?&lt;/i&gt;
Lace, cherry, and smoke—
&lt;i&gt;What have you seen?&lt;/i&gt;

Silence marred your face,
so slow, so broken.
&lt;i&gt;Paris, of course. My clichéd
Your letters were still tucked
beneath our—my bed,
but I borrowed your silence.

A glance toward your left:
a ring.
Your eyes followed mine,
your hand retreated
as I pursued.

So worn the map of your palm,
once soothed by naivety,
the sparkle of palaces.
&lt;i&gt;Not now, Peter.&lt;/i&gt;
You took back your hand.

You made for the desk,
requested a key,
left for the suite.

I made for the desk,
requested a key
and a new room.

The author's comments:
I'd written this poem for a group I'm part of through my Goodreads account--we submit stories/poems for weekly "contests" (not for prizes or money--just a friendly, member-favorites poll), and the theme of the week for which I submitted this particular poem was "Motels". It's about the not-so-casual relationship of a man and a woman, confronted with unspoken issues at the entrance of a motel lobby.

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