Saying GoodBye | Teen Ink

Saying GoodBye

July 11, 2011
By Mikey_E SILVER, Bridgeport, Pennsylvania
Mikey_E SILVER, Bridgeport, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
What Doesn&#039;t Kill you make you stronger.<br /> Life my have its twist an turns but never lose your happiness.

It's not easy saying 7 letter word

Not easy letting go knowing you'll never see them again

Painful knowing that they'll be adventures that you'll take alone

You never thought that they'll be gone until it actually happens

Fighting the doctors words don't want to believe a word they say

So you Pray

Pray that everything gets better

Pray that they'll be there in the bed in the room across from you in the morning so you'll see there smiling faces

Pray that they'll get a chance to live life to the fullest

Pray that they wont have to say Goodbye in the morning an have to miss them forever

But its never easy to say goodbye an its harder too try an move on

Most of the time I cry cause I miss you

Other time I cry cause I think back on the funny times we had an our funny conversations

But now that your gone sometimes I stare at your picture sitting on my dresser

Wishing you'd be here to meet everyone I know now an to be proud of me

See now that your gone I can' run to you before I get in trouble

Can't ask you for advice

Can't ask you too watch my future kids

So many d*** cant's an tears that I don't have no answer too

All I wanted was my sister here with me rather than me writing this heart breaking poem about her

Wanted her too meet the person I love in person rather than her look at a picture an Me explaining who that is

I rather have a matching tattoo with my sister rather than an R.I.P tattoo about her

Have her smack me up side my head when I do something I have no business doing rather thinking what she do if she was here

I hate saying Goodbye or saying to myself its not goodbye cause I'll see her later I'm 18 an I'm tired of waiting for later

I want right now so she can e witness just like everyone else will be later on in life my family get started an

Her nieces &amp; nephews make it threw life with smiles on there face rather feeling like there's a missing link

It's never easy saying Goodbye

Missing the one you love

Having to see there warming face one last time

Before they have to go away to a better place in the sky

But yet saying goodbye is never easy

The author's comments:
The only thing I can say about this piece is that I really miss my older sister.

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