My Life Aint Been No Crystal Ball | Teen Ink

My Life Aint Been No Crystal Ball

June 16, 2011
By tashi97 BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
tashi97 BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you love something let it go. If it comes back its yours, if it doesn&#039;t it never was&quot;<br /> -Tupac Shakur

I crave for affection, attention, and stability
All I get is a crack head of a mother
And a dead beat father
I get brutally beat by my mom everyday
She doesn’t seem to notice the scars she has permanently engraved on my body
Snorting coke all the time has done this to her
I go to school in aguish scared to tell anyone, because my mom is all I have
Teachers often question these scars but I remain silent
My classmates continuously ridicule me
I cannot afford the latest fashions
Or even look normal
Because every penny that is in the house goes to my mother
Lord knows what she does with it
We switch houses like we change underwear, there is no stability
A new school every month no true friends to understand me
No one can understand the life that I live
No one will know the challenges I face
Only I know that my life aint been no crystal ball

The author's comments:
I see children live like this day to day, and I decided to write about it.

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