Pains | Teen Ink


May 25, 2011
By kill3rpuppy GOLD, Jeffersonvilee, New York
kill3rpuppy GOLD, Jeffersonvilee, New York
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

You wake up, it's about six a.m. Then you feel this sharp pain, and you are surprised. You check your body and yet you see no wound, and then the pain comes back. A sharp, fierce pain. You then realize that it's coming from your chest, and that it's on the inside. You sit down and cry, for a second you forgot about this pain, about this wounded soul of yours. You cry for a few more minutes and then you hear your mom call you to get up. So you do what you always do and you push the pain down, you bottle it up, and you wipe your eyes open the door, and smile. You feel that pain all the time, but you hide it, and eventually it becomes as natural as your own heart beat. Then one day you slip up and let you pain show, and this time it's as obvious as a giant neon sign. However something unexpected happens, you talk about this pain and ... you feel better. They don't judge you for this pain you unwillingly have instead they understand and help. So hopefully with the love of your family and friends you'll finally have the strength to overcome and deal with this pain.

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