Friends...or Pets? | Teen Ink

Friends...or Pets?

April 28, 2011
By sunnydsgirl BRONZE, Lake Arial, Pennsylvania
sunnydsgirl BRONZE, Lake Arial, Pennsylvania
4 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out...well, then it's not the end.

There are tiny angels outside my window, today.
They sing an they flutter around.
See, my guardian angle's next to me, today.
Smiling at these creature's sound.
I have a mini protector following me today
He prowls and follows me along
See, my guardian angle's next to me, today
Grinning at this black hunter all along.
A have a little friend bouncing around me today,
Bouncing and running all about.
See, my guardian angel is next to me, today.
And he's not about to cast this one out.
I've got a petite swimmer splashing next to me, today.
Wiggling through the clear water in a frantic.
See, my guardian angel is next to me, today.
Chuckling at this one's antics.
I've got a bantam searcher running next to me today.
Scurrying here and there.
See, my guardian angels is next to me today.
Not the least bit scared.
I have a teeny scavenger looking at me today.
Scuttling around the room.
See, my guardian angel is next to me today.
Giving him bits of plume.
I've got quite a few of these joy-bringers.
Scattered around this place.
Whether they're next to me.
Or gone without a trace.
I know they're there.
And don't really care,
If I'm in a bad mood or not.
Because my angel approves,
Of these tiny friends from God.

The author's comments:
I used this for a computer project, and was told that it was surperb by the teacher. I actually don't think it's one of my best, but I did have fun writing this. It so happens I've had every single of the animals spoken about here. Can anyone guess which animal goes where?

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