You Know What | Teen Ink

You Know What

April 22, 2011
By pencilitout BRONZE, Urbana, Illinois
pencilitout BRONZE, Urbana, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity.
- Robert Frost

I shouldn't complain
There are others who have it so much worse
But you know what? I'm human
I feel pain and it hurts
I can feel the blood rushing to my face
Let's hold a pity party and cry
But you know what? So what?
I can tear up sometimes
I can see myself outside myself
and I tell myself, "Shut your mouth."
But you know what? Grow up.
I want to be loud
And if you disregard my words
Or you think that I'm weak
You know what? You're the same
So listen when I speak
And everything is quiet now
I can hear all of the world
And you know what? Guess what,
I'm just an ordinary girl.

The author's comments:
We're all entitled to pain. We all have the right to cry. Sometimes, people tend to forget that.

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