abtract | Teen Ink


April 13, 2011
By TheIdea GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
TheIdea GOLD, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
10 articles 1 photo 5 comments

welcome to the stadium I am the address
this is a formal meeting please be on your bests

there's some topics down, we have to arrest
and the breast of the information is my case, my attest.
I know you hear a lot of rappers but believe me they're just candy. These Dum Dum's get in your head and meddle with you like brandy
they tell what you like to hear, revise all your goals and fears
show you something fun and interesting and now your dreams are tears
and once they're raining down now how will you feel
when the person you thought you were isn't really real
and you realize, life's how you make it
build it run in live it then break it
when you start anew,
remembering the world you've been through
how on earth will you
make amends to
the lens
you began
to demand
to ever see through
its torn away
and your floating in the fray
looking for a rope to pull you which way
and if you make it
youre poured up the abyss
after all of this
until it is what
it is but
when your torn through that other lens
beginning a world but of seperateness
because when you look down your worlds a gaping tore
it will heal but forever more
the scar will remain.

The author's comments:
just abstract

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