The Sea | Teen Ink

The Sea

January 21, 2011
By XLoveisdeadX SILVER, Brandon, Mississippi
XLoveisdeadX SILVER, Brandon, Mississippi
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” ~James Dean

I stretch my arms to the earth
I yawn my mouth wide open
The feeling of light on my face
Telling myself, wake up sea
For it is a new day

Everyday, I do my jobs
From feeding my friends to giving them a home
Sometimes, I play with my toy boats
And daydream under the clouds
But other times, I fight off enemies and go through bad weather

Human beings come to visit me everyday
They swim and splash, laughing with joy
I destroy their castles of sand
And let them explore my friends
Some discover my hidden secrets
And I help some surf my tides

But when I am angry
I scream and start to yell
Kicking my arms and legs on the ground
My friends all run away
The sky gets ad and become gray
All of my toy boast fade away
But then I settle down
And go silent, peaceful and soft
My arms swing gently on the earth

While the day wind down
I began to be quiet
The sun suddenly say goodbye to next time
My toys are put away
And the moon shines on me
I start to yawn and close my eyes
But before i go to sleep
Everyone says, "Good-night sea"

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