Ment To Be | Teen Ink

Ment To Be

December 22, 2010
By ODBear SILVER, New London, Connecticut
ODBear SILVER, New London, Connecticut
6 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Why So Serious.? -The Joker-<br /> Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery. -W. Shakespeare-

I saw you with her standing there,
But as much as i tell u that i f****** love you, you basically dont care,
I really dont know what to do, but all I know is that I cant live without you.
I stopped and stared, but i wasnt prepared, for what i saw, my heart became scared.
but I still convinced myself, that what you and I have can be shared.
But damn man, why can you see,
that when GOD created us,
He Whispered,"Ment TO Be."

The author's comments:
Well, There's this guy that i really like. i call him,"Bribear".
He makes me feel specialand like no one made me feel before..... He's really spacial.

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