H3R Hidden Message | Teen Ink

H3R Hidden Message

November 30, 2010
By Uwaila GOLD, Elk Grove, California
Uwaila GOLD, Elk Grove, California
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;America is a rich man&#039;s vision but a poor man&#039;s prison&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;Some people are alive but they aren&#039;t living&quot;

Gangs and violence

I call her my lioness

She's been through it all

Instead of stumbling she falls

I admirer her braveness her fearlessness

But she appears emotionless

I ask her

How could you smile when you're in so much pain?

How could you laugh when you have nothing but shame?

She looks at me with the same smile,but I saw passed that

I looked in her eyes finally i saw her pain

I saw it finally her eyes began to rain

Tears of fear and violence

Tears of loved ones lost

Tears of her innocence which was lost

She told me her story of how life became her prey

Now I smiled we both kneeled down and prayed:

Gangs and violence I call her my bird

She's been through it all

And after today God she will never fall


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