Dodgeball: 4th Period P.E | Teen Ink

Dodgeball: 4th Period P.E

November 30, 2010
By Uwaila GOLD, Elk Grove, California
Uwaila GOLD, Elk Grove, California
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;America is a rich man&#039;s vision but a poor man&#039;s prison&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;Some people are alive but they aren&#039;t living&quot;

Animals I call them as they run after thier trap set for thier prey

Scream and Chant when they kill thier prey

Laugh do they,Laugh why?Laugh at the death of thier own Spieces.

Aren't you next?

I may sound mad

But why sound glad at the vicious killings of my brothers and sisters

Some of these animals just stand there

wanting to be killed

To them being killed means acceptance

Means wanting

So they want to get killed?

Kill me for I am your prey

Plan my death for me,living makes me alone in this war

Kill me Before it's too late,kill me with the others

With all hate just kill......

A few of these animals aren't even seen

they hide

Smart are they?To not fall for the trap

Scared are they?Cowards not to risk thier lives for others

But these brand of species who seem to be invisible

When they stand alone,they are the strongest

Dodging every trap that aim for them.

So who are the strongest in this war of hate?

Let's find out

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The author's comments:
There are diffrent types of people who play dodge ball for example the ones that want to play who get really into the game they act crazy

.There are the ones who want to get out to just feel a part of the game or they stand around acting like they are doing something

.Then there are the ones who people do not even recognize that they are standing right there(open target) it's almost like they are invisible.And you wonder how come they are still in the game.But in the end they are the last ones just standing not using any effort at all and they dodge the ball

So why don't the people who want to play aren't the last ones?idk

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